September 2011 archive

7 in 7:6 food pet Tweeter

7 in 7:6 food pet tweeter Food pet project is testing one’s attachment to food. That is “how you think of taking care of something you are eating.” I found an interesting gadget online. The left Tag is supposed to be tide on your pet. The limit is 30m. The dongle will receive the signal …

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3 Toy Organ

3- Toy Organ This circuit prototype is a rendition of Forrest Mims III’s Toy Organ. It is not tuned, as I had a limited amount of capacitors, which is what changes the pitch of the sound. Also, I used a fixed resistor instead of a potentiometer, which allows for a change in range. Mims’s circuit …

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7 in 7 : 5 Wander plate

7 in 7 : 5 Wander plate This is a project that suppose to put on a big dinning table. Since I do not have such furniture, I have to test the moving robot on the floor. The idea is simple. If the food starts to fool you and keeps running, will the person at …

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Maker Faire

      Using Microsoft Visual Studio, the apparatus can take picture every 5 seconds. That is me! The right one is camera and left is screen. The box behind is an interactive toy. If you blow on the top of the box, the picture of flower will change. They are both delicate. This is an …

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Redesing social presentation

forget to post!! here:HIGURE  

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7×7 4: Xylospoon

Project 4: How To Play the Spoons: Creating My Own Musical Instrument I steered away a little from the “useless” artifice theme with this project. I was thinking about how I have absolutely no musical talent. When I was in elementary school in Belarus, teachers in my music classes always made me play the triangle …

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3 Maker Faire Interfaces Picks

1) Vertical Theory (Vertical Gardening) by Karen Mackay – Why was this interesting: It’s a wonderful interaction between us and our environment.  This also presented a solution to a problem with over population, rapid urbanization, lack of space to grow things and food getting unhealthy pesticides in order to keep up with demand. – How …

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Maker Faire

The 3 interesting ‘interface’ I found in Maker Faire are as belows. The first is a software that could capture and process video streams from Kinect, Webcams, Firewire, IP Cams, and even mobile phones.   This software has many kinds of effect to choose, when click different icons on the bottom of the screen, it …

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7 in 7 Project#6: George Seurat- Paintball by Numbers

Goal: Turning an ordinary paintball gun into an artistic brush rather than just something you use to impale people with balls of paint.  This gun would now have a dual purpose, one artistic and one recreational sport.  This would have to be sponsored by or partnered up with Pantone and Kuller, in order to paint a …

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Maker Faire

So the first interface that I thought interesting at Maker Faire, was a apartment mailbox unit: It looked something like this and had a sign over it that said something to the effect of: you look drained, charge your phone here. So basically each mailbox had a key in it and inside the box was …

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