September 19, 2011 archive

maker faire report

There was soooo many cool projects to choose from, but here are my top few: Water Swing Conductive Paint by Bare Conductors Ember (kitchen arduino hack for sous vitae) Japanimo (3d object sensor) Not quite an interface, but extra bonus: Most Awesome 3-D printer!!! Prints resins, silicates, metals, enamels etc and CHOCOLATE! CHEESE! COOKIES! and …

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DAY 6 7in7

Three Videos: one two three As a whole the piece is still untitled. For day 6 I decided to create another video installation, and what I ended up with was three variations of the same piece to be displayed together on multiple tvs to be constructed in some way. Through this work certain other ideas …

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Maker Faire

3 projects that I most interested in: One is: SIFTEO      Many people were interested in this thing. Especially, children. At first sight, I thought it was a iPod Shuffle as the design and size. With physical touch, you can combine two or three, actually, there were 6 electronic boxes as a group, …

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Makers Faire pick #3: Route detecting robots

This robot sent repeated IR beams and received them back, on the basis of which it calculated its next move. Hence, always staying on the path (the path being pre-drawn on the ground below it)  

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7in7 # 5 Fish eye shooting

Still Pretend to be a fish. You know look through fish eye lens can give a quite different world. Home-made Fish Eye Len camera: Limited Leopard grain fish eye len camera. Setp.18.2011 One day life of a fish                               I found it was hard to focus …

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Makers Faire pick #2: Spinning drum machine 1

This system used a chip with pre-written MIDI drum samples. The way the MIDI sounds were triggered were determined by a light sensor: while it received no light, it would play the MIDI sample. To block the light, the maker used a plastic disc and a marker. By making different patterns on the disc using …

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Maker Faire pick #1: Game mashup by PaperKettle

This project consists of 4 different games and a physical controller that tweaks them: A ping pong game, Super Mario, a simulation of missile commanding system and tetris. The controller is built in a way that each knob can be assigned to different taks on the basis of what setting the controller has been put …

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Commentary on “The Computer Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet” by Alan Kay

So, I’m writing this as I’m listening to the talk for the second time, and I will probably need to watch it for the third time to be able to completely grasp the critical points in this talk, but here’s what really resonated with me. Firstly, I believe Kay’s talk evolved mainly around the notion …

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7in7 #4 LED light/Fluorescent Fish

This inspiration is from ocean. Some kinds of fish can be fluorescent in dark, deep in ocean, coz their squama holds chemical substance. I bought ULTRA-Green/Red Phosphor online try to make something can be see in dark. I also got an idea from a night lamp( You may see the picture below). The goal: a dancing fish in …

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The Computer Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet

Alan C. Kay, redraws our perspective in this small introduction to the computer revolution. He points out every important, mayor shift instance, where the printing press was being adopted. The long stretches of time that it took for humans to develop more innovative technologies and ways of thinking. I want to hope that Moore’s law …

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