September 16, 2011 archive

7 in 7 Project#4: Computer Keyboard As A Piano

Goal: Turning a computer keyboard into something else more than just part of a computer.  It would actually have another function— a musical instrument. Inspiration: Garageband, it has a keyboard configuration that matches about twelve keys on a piano.  I thought why not a few more. Approach: Code each letter on the computer keyboard to play the notes …

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7in7 – 4 [Scottish Theme from Union Square]

I was going to grab a coffee between two classes this Thursday when I noticed a young Scot playing the bag pipe. I listened to his enchanting music for a while, chatted with him and recorded a bit of his tune, using it as a theme to build a simplistic – jazz-ish song on top …

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7 in 7 : 3 Food Stealing alert

“Don’t touch my food” I use cookie as samle to test The original design should be a plate has light and sound beep cookie alert  : when someone touch the food without turning off the alert. I can’t finished the plate so I use a simple apparatus to replace.

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7 in 7: 2 Untitle

Day2 is supposed to be something 3 dimension. BUT, this is a totally fiasco in day two. I can’t do the sculpture from a cupcake. So it turns out to be a cute animal. I was thinking if giving candy on the dog’s head, it will keep nodding.

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7 in 7: Day 3: Wash Away

For this piece I gave myself 2 hours to work on, I also wanted it to be related to the folk song “Down in the River to Pray”.   In some of my past pieces I have explored Appalachian folk music. The song “Down in the River to Pray”, is about washing away your sins. …

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Day 3: 7-in-7

For the third day I continued with my theme of mapping, this time by mapping motion.  I tried to act as sort of a human seismograph, holding a pen on a piece of paper during certain parts of my commute- when I was walking, riding the subway, riding the railroad, and as a passenger in …

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day 3 7in7 project

Video My thrid project is just simply and sort of gernerically called “The Installation” I created a life sized representation of a original mixed media piece. The piece itself is heavy with a political and socio-economic visual language. The main component of the piece is actualy the engagement of the “public” or DT and TD …

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7 in 7 Project# 3: Jedi Tennis for Lucasfilms (Gesture Recognition Game)

Goal: A chance to actually use a toy— lightsaber in a more interesting way.  Waving it around to hear that wooshing sound and impaling each other with the plastic version isn’t really all that fun.  There needs to be an evolution on this particular product even though it’s a novelty item. Inspiration: U.S. Open, Baseball, …

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