3 Maker Faire Interfaces Picks

1) Vertical Theory (Vertical Gardening) by Karen Mackay

– Why was this interesting:
It’s a wonderful interaction between us and our environment.  This also presented a solution to a problem with over population, rapid urbanization, lack of space to grow things and food getting unhealthy pesticides in order to keep up with demand.
– How did they encourage user interaction and what made them successful?
They had an environmental concern that’s very important to think about.  The materials that she had presented were practical and it maybe something we can replicate ourselves.  She used a water fountain pump that you can purchase at Home Depot, she used cloth, rubber hoses and buckets.  One can grow practical fresh food in their own home and since it’s vertical, it does save space.
-What’s inspiring about this project:
It’s solving a problem.  I’ve always believed that as a designer, your first role is to solve a problem and aesthetics come second.  Also personally, I love organic food, but sometimes their shelf life doesn’t match my schedule.  It always felt like it’s a waste of money in the end when I can’t get to eating the arugula in time.


2) Solar Panel Powered Carousel- by GE

– Why was this interesting:
Another wonderful interaction between us and our environment.  These solar panels are unique because they use a thin film solar module that absorbs and harnesses the power of the sun to produce electricity, it’s built this way so even at a cloudy weather, the carousel can still run and the panels generate significant amounts of green energy without using gas or coal.
– How did they encourage user interaction and what made them successful?
They used something fun to attract a family audience and so there’s an immediate awareness.  It also had that “solar panels are fun” aspect to it, which then educates the audience after having gone through the physical experience.
-What’s inspiring about this project:
Again, it’s solving a problem.  Always nice to know or hear about big companies making an effort and contribution to an environmental issue.

3) Miniature Motorized Mechanical Circus- by Gabriela Gutierrez

– Why was this interesting:
– How did they encourage user interaction and what made them successful?
It was the way Gabriela created the piece that sparked people’s curiosity.  It was well thought out right down to the yellow and red circus tent.  The detail that she brought to the table was completely amazing.
-What’s inspiring about this project:
It looked simple to make and I wish I made it.  She explained that she did burn through 3 Arduino boards in the process.

Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/3-maker-faire-interfaces-picks/

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