September 13, 2011 archive

Reading Commentary Week #2: What do Prototypes Prototype?

This has also been an interesting read because it’s been educational for me (someone who comes from print).  I learned a few terminologies along the way which I shall be using going forward. What do Prototypes Prototype?  Well, what from I gather, I found it to be the following: feedback, guidelines and constraints and also …

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Reading Commentary for Week #2: Experience Prototyping

After having read this, I had no idea of the process that goes into Experience Prototyping.  It was rather educational for me, up until now the only type of “experience prototyping” I’ve been exposed to are focus groups determining what packaging design appeals to a regular consumer. I have never come across such an elaborate …

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Reinventing Facebook


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Reading Week 2-Prototyping

Even though I already knew what prototyping was, this week’s readings gave me a better understanding of the importance of prototyping and the role of the designer in the prototype-making process. It seems to me that through prototyping the designer becomes the mediator between the artifact and the user. Designers must empathize with the user …

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