So the first interface that I thought interesting at Maker Faire, was a apartment mailbox unit: It looked something like this and had a sign over it that said something to the effect of: you look drained, charge your phone here. So basically each mailbox had a key in it and inside the box was …
September 18, 2011 archive
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Sep 18
Reading Commentary Week #3: Why We Need Things
Reading “Why We Need Things” by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi was fascinating. Though this was something I’ve already known in my own subconscious and observations, it was nice to read through something that was well articulated. I’ve always wondered about the evolution of things and products that surrounded our lives. Especially living in Los Angeles, where there …
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Sep 18
Day 5: 7-in-7
Day 5: Lines of Emotion Since I did not have a commute to map today, I decided to focus on the majority of my day, which consisted of shopping. I tried to think of what was most prominent during this experience, and I realized it was probably the mix of emotions I had throughout the …
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Sep 18
day 5 7in7
For today’s 7in7 I decided to continue with yesterday’s project and actually modify and add visuals to the sound installation. From there I played around with some imagrey and created a piece titled: Somewhere in the future “The Dominate Gaze” envisions the Last Martin Luther King Day. This idea for the title as well and …
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Sep 18
day 4 7in7
The Social Soundtracj Day 4 is a sound installation. Once again I am keeping with the same constraints. This piece should be looked at as an experimentation into a collective social soundtrack, to the African American demographic. It explores the ideas of the type of information that a member of that community might be saturated …
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