Boshan "Demmy" Zhou

just do it

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  1. Make the Line Dance — 1 comments

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Love Will Guide You paper and video

pdf: Final Project Paper User test video: User test of ‘Love WIll Guide You’

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Love Will Guide You final presentation and website.

Final presentation pdf: Love Will Guide You final presentation Official website (I bought the URL):   Thanks.

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Love Will Guide You website

it might be like this: I will post introduction, concept, example (the video recorded by user) on this website.

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Final Project Name

Final Project Name— Love Will Guide You.  

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Final Project progrss

Hi guys, Thanks for the feedback for my presentation last class! Appreciated lol I want to continue the idea inspired by one of my friend. He’s very shy and feel embaressed to express his real emotion to the girl he like. Sometimes men are always feel embarrassd to say sorry , or express themselves directly. …

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Final Project round 2

The effect I want to achieve would be like this : An interactive instrument / game. I can use my body in the screen to touch the balls on the screen and affect their movement(it looks just like I hit some balls in reality). Then, use OSC to send this messages in openFramewors to Max/Msp/Jitter. …

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Make the Line Dance

I think I get inspired by this video.. Make The Line Dance

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Final project(initial concept)

For my final project, what I wanna do is to make a public, real-time, interactive music instrument, that people could use their body gestures to make their own music. The problem I found that is : nowadays, more and more musicians and music producers tend to pay too much attention on the skills and technic …

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Stranger Project

  Stranger Project

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feedback loop presentation

FEEDBACK loop presentation

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