day 5 7in7

For today’s 7in7 I decided to continue with yesterday’s project and actually modify and add visuals to the sound installation.

From there I played around with some imagrey and created a piece titled: Somewhere in the future “The Dominate Gaze” envisions the Last Martin Luther King Day.

This idea for the title as well and the theory or evocative idea behind it steams from a reading in my Afrofuturism class by Derrick Bell call the Space Traders.

From here I searched footage of Barak Obama and Martin Luther King and found a few videos themeselves in possession of a certain poignancy.

Also with this piece I pushed the sound a bit further samplping two chopped up lines from a Gill Scott Heron song: Winter in America

Here is the final piece: Somewhere in the future “The Dominate Gaze” envisions the Last Martin Luther King Day.

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