Mashup Project #2- Part 2

The Smart-Dwell:

The Smart-Dwell Nerve Center:

Login with voice recognition system.

Shoots you to status report of your home.  Good way to check any maintenance issues

Program number of household members including pets in order to determine percentage
of energy consumption.




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Mashup- ROUND 2

The Local Feast App:

This app is a Mashup of the following:
– Recommendations by Celebrity Chef  from the Food Network who participated in featuring local restaurants (with a specific dish), refer to show “The Best Thing I Ever Ate”.
– Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservation, where he samples food in cities both locally and international

– Help local business gain more exposure, noteriety and maximizing their profitability
– For individuals to try out recommended food for themselves
– For convenience and restaurant ideas (i.e. “Oh I know a place where we can go…”)


Final Look & Feel:

Mashup of Data From:

Tools Used:
With the help of API integration, relevant information is filtered and combined from Foodnetwork’s
and Anthony Bourdain’s show in the Travel Channel, which then is mapped out in Google Maps.


How it Functions:
There would a filter where the user can choose from searching through local location, by chef or by cuisine type.



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[mashup 2#] Lost Things

I recently lost my university id + trainpass card + lanyard, and I spent the next 4hrs walking up and down the city looking for it (losing the cards doesn’t really bother me much since my trainpass expired anyway, but the lanyard/cardholder was a gift from my mom before she left so I’m very D:!!! over it) And I was thinking how amazing it would be if I knew where it was, or somehow let people know I lost it so they could return it back to me

so here’s my app called Lost Things. The red people are people who lost their things, and the approximate area in which they lost it. The people in blue are people who found it, and the area where they found it.  So if you lost something, you’ll text to: 100-LOST-*ITEM* ie. if it’s a pair of lost keys it’ll be 100-LOST-KEY (100-5678-539) This will capture your current gps location as well. (vice versa for if you found something i.e. 100-FOUND-*ITEM*) and if you think you have a match, all you have to do is tap the correct speech bubble twice to send a text message to the person who found it. So if I lost my wall around Union Square, I’ll tap the found: wallet speech bubble twice to contact the finder.

At first I thought it’ll be easier if it was call-based, but then I rarely pick up calls and also you can’t call underground so text messaging is better (also you don’t know if the person is in a movie or meeting at work etc etc so messaging is a bit more discreet)



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One feedback loop.

My feedback loop sort of speaks to our obsession with facebook and social networking in general. For my feedback loop I have created an application for your computer that launches immediately upon startup. Some of the inspiration comes from the IOGraph mouse tracking.

What my application does is track IP addresses. So it has a database of IP addresses. For example the facebook,twitter and other social networks IP addresses will be programmed n so that the app recognizes and can distinguish between them.

When the app notices that you have visited facebook for example a small window will pop up and provide you with a message some what similar to this:

This app will also snap a picture of you using your webcam as well when ever you visit one of the social networking IPs, to bring the user outside of him or herself when thinking about and being confronted with their digital interaction.
The app keeps a log sheet of how many hours you spend at each social network IP. The idea is just to provide the user with some awareness. At times it is hard for people to recognize that they spend 1000 hours on facebook, etc, etc, and it is also a way to encourage physical communication, as well.

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Gamification and data visualization in London subway

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things that can be done with processing and for the people interested in music


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Scrapyard challenge


Group member have not send their photo to me yet, so these are only what I have.


1. Who was in your group?




2. What did you create?


A Wedding symphony.


3. What junk did you use to build your project?


bottle, aluminium foil, chips, paper box, toy.


4. How did it turn out? Were you happy with the results?


Marisa came up with a idea of making robot.


We think it can be fun. At first, we were considering using glove to touch or hit the robot, but we want the robot to move to make it more attracting. So, we use another way to make it work. Using a paper box and make it into a maze with obstacle and make a robot out of a toy. The groom robot is suppose to look like this and he will run to the goal.


The bride was not original in the idea. It came later.But considering height and the weight, we change another robot instead.I am happy during the progress but not the results. It is fun and enjoyable in the group project and learning as much as possible. There is only one question.I was thinking that do I really use these junk in a good way or just create more junk? Because after the presentation some of them are hard to bring and preserve, so have to throw away…If the challenge is meaning we should learn how to make interface by hand, I think we do have a great job.And thanks for students to help and give feedback. They are really helpful and considerate to help this project.


5.  What new things did you learn about interface design?


It’s hard to describe. But the way of gadget moving,rolling is quite interesting. Some of the materials is hard to imagine to be used in a certain way. I like the high heel shoes. It’s very simple and easy. Other groups present some incredible idea of how things can be used in different way. I think I need to learn more about the word “interface.” It’s not as exactly as I expected before.


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Developer turns GeoCities archive into a “Digital Pompeii”

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Mashup and Feedback Loop presentation



Feedback Loop:

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Mashup Examples


A few more examples I found of mashups, thought I would post them. Found these on




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