This article is mainly on Object Oriented Programming as well as some of the views of computer development. Alan has a mathematics background, but also has a biology degree, he views of computers are more than the common view. For example, since he is so familiar with the structure of microbial, Alan said, “compared with …
September 19, 2011 archive
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Sep 19
5 Bebop-piddy-doo Curly-Q
This sound visualization tool was created in Processing using the Minim library. Depending on the sound’s intensity the serpentine spiral animation gains more curves and spheres that compose it change form. This amorphous swirling colorful drawing is representative of Jazz most specifically Bebop. In this example I use the song “The All Seeing Eye” by …
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Sep 19
4 Drink More Campaign
The Drink More Campaign is for the spirit of the spirits! To the drowning of our sorrows, the sinking of our madness, and more over the nectar of celebrations. This piece was inspired and conceived at Mani’s house on Friday night, where he hosted a magnificent performative elixir filled, fed full, …
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Sep 19
Maker Faire 2011
My three favorite projects at Maker Faire: #1: Untitled This was my favorite piece at the fair. The artist told me that he doesn’t not have a name for his creation but he will think of one. What he did is record audio from random radio shows. He removed the tape from the encasement and …
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Sep 19
7 in 7:6 food pet Tweeter
7 in 7:6 food pet tweeter Food pet project is testing one’s attachment to food. That is “how you think of taking care of something you are eating.” I found an interesting gadget online. The left Tag is supposed to be tide on your pet. The limit is 30m. The dongle will receive the signal …
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Sep 19
3 Toy Organ
3- Toy Organ This circuit prototype is a rendition of Forrest Mims III’s Toy Organ. It is not tuned, as I had a limited amount of capacitors, which is what changes the pitch of the sound. Also, I used a fixed resistor instead of a potentiometer, which allows for a change in range. Mims’s circuit …
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Sep 19
7 in 7 : 5 Wander plate
7 in 7 : 5 Wander plate This is a project that suppose to put on a big dinning table. Since I do not have such furniture, I have to test the moving robot on the floor. The idea is simple. If the food starts to fool you and keeps running, will the person at …
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Sep 19
Maker Faire
Using Microsoft Visual Studio, the apparatus can take picture every 5 seconds. That is me! The right one is camera and left is screen. The box behind is an interactive toy. If you blow on the top of the box, the picture of flower will change. They are both delicate. This is an …
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Sep 19
7×7 4: Xylospoon
Project 4: How To Play the Spoons: Creating My Own Musical Instrument I steered away a little from the “useless” artifice theme with this project. I was thinking about how I have absolutely no musical talent. When I was in elementary school in Belarus, teachers in my music classes always made me play the triangle …
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