Category: Student Work

presentation (reimagined facebook)

studio1 Presentation for studio interfaces, assignment 1# reimagined social networks

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reading response week1

“Why the future doesn’t need us.” The author discloses some of the future potential crisises that we need to consider. However, these concerns seem to lack a full consideration of different aspects of human society. There is never a threat that can match humans themselves. The Human race has a long way to go before …

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response of readings

When I read Don Norman’s article ‘Natural User Interfaces Are Not Natural’, it reminds me of iphone, ipad which based on Gestural interface, and the Kinect. Gestures will form a valuable addition to our repertoire of interaction techniques, it already become a very important part of interaction system. Gestures are a very important way of …

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First Week Reading

Response of The Web Means the End of Forgetting This reading really reminds me a big scandal—-Nude Picture Scandal, which happened in Hong Kong, 2008. This big scandal has passed for couple years, but when people mention the names of the actors in this scandal, everything goes through again and again. People always talk a …

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Reading Week 1

Response To: Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us “It might be argued that the human race would never be foolish enough to hand over all the power to the machines.” After this statement the article goes into saying that we would not willing hand over our freedom or allow an uprise of artificial intelligence. Yet, …

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On: better displays, a prank on information, wishing what happened stayed where it happened, and the human conflict of self-defiance and improvement

1. Donald Norman, “Natural Interfaces are not Natural” Whenever what is “natural” comes to an argument, I feel conflicted. I know that artificial is defined as man-made, mimicking nature, but I have a hard time digesting that anything humans do is not natural. Throughout Norman’s essay I felt that a crucial part of his postulation …

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Reading Response Week 1

The readings this week brought up several issues and concerns with technology today and where it is headed in the future.  The two readings that discussed Facebook seemed to view the social networking site as a threat to us; therefore questioning the role it should have in our lives, if any.  Norman’s article brought up …

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Homework readings

The web means the end of forgetting..first I would say that the web is actually the beginning and the end of forgetting. It is the beginning of forgetting for human beings. For one, the web saturates us with so much information constantly sand rapidly that we start to retain less and less information. Our attention …

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Reading Commentary for Week 1: Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us by Bill Joy

With Bill Joy’s profession and background, it doesn’t surprise me to know that he has been aware of the possibility that artificial intelligence would surpass human beings in the future.   After reading his article however, a number of sci-fi movies came to mind because of the similar themes he discussed (i.e. The Matrix, Bladerunner, …

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week 1 readings

The first thing I thought of when reading Norman’s essay was:  “omg microsoft kinect!” I don’t know how many people watched it yet, but this year’s E3 conference Microsoft demo’ed more Kinect Sports videos for your entertainment: (skip to 3.18 for the football match) (for srs, a very serious star wars kid) I’m …

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