Tag: facebook

Connections For FaceBook Installation

Interesting way to visuzliaze Facebook connections in realtime. Each person in the space inputs their Facebook account, and steps onto the platform. The software connects people and shows photos, videos, info shared between them:

Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/11/connections-for-facebook-installation/

On: better displays, a prank on information, wishing what happened stayed where it happened, and the human conflict of self-defiance and improvement

1. Donald Norman, “Natural Interfaces are not Natural” Whenever what is “natural” comes to an argument, I feel conflicted. I know that artificial is defined as man-made, mimicking nature, but I have a hard time digesting that anything humans do is not natural. Throughout Norman’s essay I felt that a crucial part of his postulation …

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Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/on-better-displays-a-prank-on-information-wishing-what-happened-stayed-where-it-happened-and-the-human-conflict-of-self-defiance-and-improvement/