First Week Reading

Response of The Web Means the End of Forgetting

This reading really reminds me a big scandal—-Nude Picture Scandal, which happened in Hong Kong, 2008. This big scandal has passed for couple years, but when people mention the names of the actors in this scandal, everything goes through again and again. People always talk a lot about Edison Chen, the main actor whom taken thousands of nude picture of different female movie and singing stars. Despite Edison Chen did the public apology for many times, it seems that changing his bad public image goes like a mission impossible.

Everyday, you can get fresh entertainment news; I mean this kind of new is gossip, usually.  Undeniably, many people love scandal, paparazzo become “a great job”. We should say “YES” that PAPARAZZI bring a lot commercial value in magazine, newspaper, even in some TV shows. We may think about that scandal builds a person a bad image, but also brings the person more opportunities to go public, increasing the exposure.

Many examples of this kind of scandal, it happened in Kate Moss, Blake Lively, and Rosie Huntington Whitely the actress of Transformers 3. When you type the key word, maybe the actor or actress’ name into any Internet search engine, you can get some scandal stuff.

Let’s go back to the main topic —- the web means the end of forgetting.

Internet mass hunting can change a person’s life, seriously, even a lay folk. Every people need the private space, it means every people can hold the power to protect his or her privacy. Personally, privacy cannot be bargain. Bargaining one’s privacy can be immoral; it can break the balance of our society. To be honest, sometimes I stalk others’ Face book or other social network. I was trying to get the information about my ex boyfriend online. People often get interested in something very vague. Another example from my best friend, I never ask anything about her relationship. When I find her Douban account (a Chinese social network) is suspended that I know she just finished a relationship with a guy. I see she create a new account, it usually means she meet a new guy.

For me, I do not want others know everything about me. I used to be a person, but now I am I, the current state.

The world, the society, is changing so fast; people are always changing, of course. History just means history, something passed. I do agree to build a new system to protect personal information online, and also do the deleting of the 3 months passed (whatever, it may a period) data. The web means the end of forgetting, it is true. Forget and give up the bad, and not useful data is better for our lives.

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