Unfungames.com released a MacOs version for the Mario Pain Composer. This brings back many memories. My constraints were to compose a sound piece, and I remembered I had seen the MPC release, so I used this tool for my composition.
September 2011 archive
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/2-compose-a-song/
Sep 15
7 in 7: Day 2: You Are Love
My constraint for this project was to finish it before my photoshop demo expired. :-C but my real constraint was to create an interactive piece that would provoke a happy emotion in people. This piece is a website, “youarelove.com” , when you get to the page it would access the viewers computer camera. From …
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7-in-7-day-2-you-are-love/
Sep 15
7in7 – 3 [Blues]
I felt very bluesy yesterday. It was this melancholic feeling of confusion that I’m hoping will go away during the weekend. I recorded some sounds in the class while Jonah was showing us examples. credits: the chord progression is inspired by {Jewel : Foolish Games} 7in7-3
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7in7-3/
Sep 15
7 in 7 Project# 2: U.S. History Made Easy
I got reminded the other day that American children do not know their U.S. history compared to the other children from a different country. To remedy this issue, I (developed a concept) designed a U.S. History app. It would have a scroll bar on the side where one can navigate through years and at the …
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7-in-7-project-2-u-s-history-made-easy/
Sep 15
Day 2: 7-in-7
Day 2: 7-in-7 I continued with my mapping theme, this time using an actual representation of my commute rather than how I perceive it (as I represented yesterday). I again used one line as a constraint, trying as best as possible to make the images flow together. I wanted to highlight the stark transition from …
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/day-2-7-in-7/
Sep 15
7×7: 2: How To Put Sauce On Your Pasta With A Manually Operated Mechanical Arm
Incorporating an artifice into a mundane daily task #2 Introduction: We have been reading a lot about technology “taking over” and about the “artificial” increasingly blending with our definition of the “natural.” I wanted to play on the idea of how our every day, mundane tasks can be taken over by a machine or some …
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7x7-2-how-to-put-sauce-on-your-pasta-with-a-manually-operated-mechanic-arm/
Sep 14
7 in 7 : 1 Retro art
My constrain somehow change due to the integrity of 7 project. It’s now “Something edible.” 7 in 7 : 1 Retro art Using slice of food to combine picture painted from Wassily Kandinsky and Joan Miro. Grocery: strawberry, blue berry, rice, banana, kiwi, cookie, hot dog, egg mushroom, potato chips, and onion. Wassily Kandinsky’s work …
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7-in-7-1-change/
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7in7-2/
Sep 14
7in7 – 1 [Trader Joe’s]
For my 7-in-7 project, I decided to start recording sounds on the way back home for 7 days, and create a tiny bit of music on top of them, using them as a motif. So the outcome of the project will be 7 short tracks. Guitar, Bass, [sometimes] Drum Samples and vocals are all done …
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/190/
Sep 14
Readings Week Two
Until I now I didn’t realize how important it is to do mock ups of your work. My first realization of this was during bootcamp when I had to build a new website. When building my first artist portfolio I kind of just wingged it and went with the flow. It was so much easier …
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/readings-week-two/