day 3 7in7 project


My thrid project is just simply and sort of gernerically called “The Installation”

I created a life sized representation of a original mixed media piece. The piece itself is heavy with a political and socio-economic visual language. The main component of the piece is actualy the engagement of the “public” or DT and TD students. There is a paper nexted to the larger then life images that reads: Title this piece, which I believe forces the viewer to engage in a bit of dialogue with himself about certain things that might not other wise come up. And this work becomes a public art piece or “artifact” in a way.

Again I am using the same contraints as last time.

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7 in 7 Project# 3: Jedi Tennis for Lucasfilms (Gesture Recognition Game)

Goal: A chance to actually use a toy— lightsaber in a more interesting way.  Waving it around to hear that wooshing sound and impaling each other with the plastic version isn’t really all that fun.  There needs to be an evolution on this particular product even though it’s a novelty item.

Inspiration: U.S. Open, Baseball, Racquetball, Starwars, Geeks, Nerds

Approach: Use gesture recognition, accurate sounds depicted from Star Wars film, lots of lasers, computationally intense image processing, smart rangefinder scanner for the “Tron-like” court where it should be dark with electric blue guidelines and also for the ball in order it to volley/bounce back and forth, also would need to have accurate tracking systems…

Anticipated Constraints & Issues: Hardware may not be readily available nor will it be simple to configure right away. Players also need a lightsaber device. The court would have to be a stationary one where people would need to physically venture to vs playing in the comforts of their own home.

Might have to adjust the width of the laser from the lightsaber in order to properly hit the ball to a desired location, seeing as to how the tennis racket has an oblong shaped net for coverage.  Or maybe adjust the size of the tennis ball into a ping pong ball.

Or just convert this concept into a “Jedi Racquetball” all together.





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2nd of 7in7

So I actually created a crude very rough version of the website but my server is having some issues now…so I uploaded some screen shots. When my hosting issue is fix will post site.

The ID’s are randomly generated by the system but basically it assigns every user a statistic related to the black male population, for example: 48.4%. So the user would get an “index card” with their ID on it and an explanation of what that ID represents in real life. Each time a user signs up this index card is posted to the blog to announce their presence.
The user is given the opportunity to personalize this card with one sentence.

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day2 project(7 in 7)


my day 2 project is another song I composed last night.

The constrain: emotions.

I planed to use different medias (music or something else) to describe and demonstrate 7 different kinds of emotions.

In this project, the emotion is fear.

BUT this song sounds not horrible and scared, the inspiration is from the hurricane in New York City 3 weeks ago.

At that time, people feared hurricane, there was nobody on the street, the city was soooooooo quiet.

I took some photos of that quiet city, and made this song rely on the feeling of that time.

quiet city 2

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re-design social network presentation

redesign facebook

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2 Compose a song released a MacOs version for the Mario Pain Composer. This brings back many memories. My constraints were to compose a sound piece, and I remembered I had seen the MPC release, so I used this tool for my composition.

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7 in 7: Day 2: You Are Love

My constraint for this project was to finish it before my photoshop demo expired. :-C but my real constraint was to create an interactive piece that would provoke a happy emotion in people.


This piece is a website, “” , when you get to the page it would access the viewers computer camera. From their my hearts tracker will find the person and place hearts on them. If the viewer likes what they see they can take a picture, which would be saved to their desktop, by pressing the camera image in the bottom right hand corner.



I made the hearts motion tracker in Processing. I have a short video of me using it but it’s not related to this project but you can watch it if you like, please don’t let this video reflect your opinion on my actual video work

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7in7 – 3 [Blues]

I felt very bluesy yesterday. It was this melancholic feeling of confusion that I’m hoping will go away during the weekend. I recorded some sounds in the class while Jonah was showing us examples.

credits: the chord progression is inspired by {Jewel : Foolish Games}


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7 in 7 Project# 2: U.S. History Made Easy

I got reminded the other day that American children do not know their U.S. history compared to the other children from a different country.  To remedy this issue, I (developed a concept) designed a U.S. History app.  It would have a scroll bar on the side where one can navigate through years and at the same time, little red stars would appear to show important events.

With the use of pinch and spread, one can simply zoom in or out of the map also move left to right to view the preferred information after pointing at a specific star.

This is made for students from K-12.  Additional visuals would be added in the white information bar for better understanding.  The information written should be brief, precise and to the point, so it’ll be easy to retain the information.

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Day 2: 7-in-7

Day 2: 7-in-7

I continued with my mapping theme, this time using an actual representation of my commute rather than how I perceive it (as I represented yesterday).  I again used one line as a constraint, trying as best as possible to make the images flow together. I wanted to highlight the stark transition from home to school. I used photo filters to emphasize the feeling of warmth from the sun shining down when I leave home in the morning and have my peaceful walk to the train, transitioning to the noisy city streets and harsh white walls of the lab.

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