Category: Student Work

Mashup Feedback Loop Ideas

I assembled this presentation to show my ideas and projected steps for the Mashup and Feedback loop assignment. PRESENTATION

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Turntable test tube punk switches

Participating in the Scrapyard Challenge at Parsons Sunday Sept 25th we created mashed a turntable with some test tubes, magnets and some wire to make an instrument , in collaboration with Noa Dolberg and Alex. The wire mohawks were taped to the test tubes, and as they pass by the two leads they act as …

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Mash ups

The links below are just a few things of interest to me that popped up during my API research and the last link is just a social organization that addressed an issue Im interested in violence. However on mashups I am still very much undecided. For hardware mashup I am a bit interested in mashing …

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Feedback Loop

I am very interested in art and interaction in education. So the feedback loop idea that I am playing around with will be implemented in an educational environment and will be intended to perpetuate a certain knowledge based desire and prompt those in its environment to imagine more. There is a staggering disparity between the …

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united states of shame This is a great mashup I came across!

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2 Mashups + 1 Feedback Loop = 3 Ways to be Aware

MASHUP #1: Software-Screen based Greenmaket Mapping Project My goal is to analyze which neighborhoods have the most amount of greenmarkets and how that data correlates with New York City’s obesity rate and income level of each neighborhood. Each pin on the map will show the name, location and hours of each green market. Pin with a …

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[feedback loop]

I was thinking of writing a program that would automatically tweet/update status of facebook every time I procastinated (which is like, every single day) but then I realised my friends would probably get really annoyed with me after a while since it would be auto-tweeting/updating every 5 mins and causing major info-floods. So instead I …

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[mashup 1#] putting the ‘desk’ back into desktop

Why live with icons when you can have a 3-d desktop? My mashup is a 3-d/2-d converter! Make 2-d screens into 3-d rendered objects, and then convert your photos of friends/enviroment/whatever into a convienient 2-d lineart style.  

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Commentary on “Harnessing the Power of Feedback Loops”

Firstly, I should confess that I am absolutely amazed by the close correlation of cognitive psychology and design practice. The deeper I dig into design process, theory and successful examples, the more I find out that before getting hands dirty, sketching up cool and slick ideas and appealing interfaces, one should carry out a thorough …

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[mashup additional] I Read A Book, It Told Me It Loved Me

Do you ever get an #eyedeer, and it just festers in your head until you do it? Well, that’s what this one feels like. It’s not actually in the assignment list, so I’m going to do it as an additional piece of work because I can’t get it out of my head and it’s driving …

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