readings week 4 (mashup)

I really liked the articles on musical mash-ups since I listen to a lot of them on youtube, my favourite is this one:

Circus/PokerFace (aucostic)

possibly everything  pop mashup ever aspires to be:

United States of Pop

I love United States of Pop, it’s almost like a sound map of all the pop music top hits released in 2009. He’s got a really awesome one for 2010 as well (omg taio cruz!!!) I think half the reason why I love mashups music so much is because I adore pop – the more artificial it is, the more I like it (I’m also a non-closeted fan of Eurovision, a celebration of bad?no? taste and cold war politics) I never knew it was used for anything other than music though. Like before parsons, I thought ‘mashups’ were specifically for music, and everything else was ‘hacking’. One of my favourite projects I remember was an Amsterdam artist who hacked a camera so everytime someone tried to ‘shoot’ a picture, the camera would flash and another object/vulgar words would appear over the image (sorry can’t remember the link now)

I found the web mashups pretty cool, if a bit technical. I’m not really familar with writing for web, but some of the ideas in it are really cool…… although I was thinking that some of it isn’t really ‘mashups’ or what I would think of it as mashups; they just seemed like data visualisations to me especially the example of the Map of Internet (would the London tube map x internet be a better mashup? maybe?) I guess it’s all about collecting sensory feedback or user feedback, but a lot of existing systems already collect feedback…… so where do you draw the line of what is a mashup, and what’s merely a data visualisation of users?


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