September 2011 archive

reading response week3

Why We Need Things” by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi I always believe in the great picture that technology is supposed to help benefit human being even there is some serious side effects. After reading Why We Need Things” by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, I think there exist a huge hole in my belief. First of all, I underestimate how we …

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7in7 – 6: Business meeting

So, it’s Saturday and I ride my bike to lower east side where I’m meeting two friends to discuss a website. The weather is really nice and I feel alright. 7in7-6

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7in7 – 5: Party [Ma Baker!]

for this project, I recorded a bit of ambient noise plus the music going on at my party, building a bit of melody on top of “Ma Baker” by Boney M! 7in7-5

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7in7 #6 AE Play with water

I tried to use After Effects to do this video. I recorded a shot video by mac motion eye. Then I tried to make it more fancy in After Effects. At first, I thought it might not too difficult, but it really cost a lot of time. It was difficult to control the waves, bot …

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Readings: Week 3

Readings Why We Need Things I really enjoyed this article because i’m interested in people’s relationships with objects. My idea for a project was to catalogue everything I own and the story behind the object. Living in NYC, I feel like most people don’t own a lot because of the small living spaces and having …

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Reading Week 3

Why We Need Things, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi This was a very poignant essay about why our society is so materialistic and what drives our desire to acquire things. Csikszentmihalyi’s main point is that humans need objects to stabilize and “transform the precariousness of consciousness into the solidity of things.” He believes objects give us stability at …

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7:2 Semi-failed Attempt – Sound Generator

In this attempt to recreate Forrest Mims III’s Sound Effects Generator, I was able to attain a frequency change. In the schematic there are 2 pontetiometers, one oscillates a frequency and the other changes it. Somehow the first oscillation did not work. I revised all the connections about 15 times, and could not find the …

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The Design of Things We Need and Why

“The Design of Everyday Things”, Donald Norman (excerpt) Norman explains the psychology of everyday things, where he denotes that interactive objects have to be visible in context to be a functional design. In using psychology, designers can predict what actions users will inherently try first. Once these actions have been declared, then the designer should …

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Figured I’ll share these in the spirit of uh… opensource???? Anyway I hope someone finds it useful! I didn’t write it very neatly because I was in a hurry (like the debussy one, I should’ve probably made a class/.ccp just for circles and used a forloop for the mapping oops…) but it works and can …

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1/7 catapillar game


I just realised I started with 2/7 without uploading project 1!!! Intially I was going to do the 365 photos in a day, but my phone crashed after the 280+ photo so I decided to make a simple protoype game instead   catapillargame It’s based on the game called Snake, where the snake grows bigger …

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