I chose two constraints for myself, the main one being mapping. I wanted to experiment with how many different ways I could map virtually the same ( or similar) experience. I will basically map each of my days, focusing on a new perspective each time. The other constraint I made for myself was to use a single line as the basis for my projects, interpreting that in whatever way I see fit that day. I am really interested in stretching boundaries of constraints, so the double constraint is really forcing me to think in a way I am not used to. With all of these projects I really want to just experiment and have fun.
First 7-in-7! I had some scanner issues (and still am), so I had to take a picture of my drawing which I then started to play around with. This is the first project of the series, and since we were given the assignment when my day was halfway done, I figured I would simply map my day through my artistic perspective. I used my creative sensibility to envision a map in my head, and then draw it. I wanted to pull out of my comfort zone ( which for mapping is usually Adobe Illustrator) and instead create a more personalized mapping that shows my day solely from my own perspective. For my line constraint, I basically used one continuous line and did not pick up my pencil while drawing this map. I started experimenting with it further in Photoshop, but I also have the original drawing which I can bring into class.