September 4, 2011 archive

Reading: Week 1

All four articles in this week’s reading express fear, uncertainty or even doom whether it has to do with the use of technology, its social long-term implications or human survival. If technology creates so much uneasiness, why do we keep producing? Are we losing focus on what is really important? Is the innovation of new …

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Reading Commentary for Week 1: The Web Means the End of Forgetting by Jeffrey Rosen

After reading this article, I did see the ramifications of oversharing on the internet especially in social networks (i.e. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter).  There are always stories about people killing themselves because they got bullied, they got fired because of what they had posted on Facebook or identities were stolen.  I do agree with this article …

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Reading Commentary For Week 1: Great Wall of Facebook by Fred Vogelstein

I don’t exactly know what to say about this article.  This is just another classic “clash of the Titans” scenario.  A lot of corporations deal with this all the time.  If a corporation is under threat from a competition, they usually merge or they come up with something ground breaking or innovative to enhance their …

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Reading Commentary For Week 1: Natural User Interfaces Are Not Natural by Don Norman

After reading Mr. Norman’s commentary/observations of natural gestures + technological interface, I agreed on some of his points about how there are still a few things that needs to be corrected, especially when he pointed out that sometimes certain gestures don’t mean the same things.  I’ve had a similar experiences with hyper-sensitive touchscreens where  I …

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