7×7 3: How to Paint Using a Push Cart

Project 3: Creating My Own Painting Tool

This is the third object I built in continuation with my unnecessary artifice theme. It was very interesting to see what kind of patterns the paint brushes and the wheels of the structure created. I had very minimal artistic control over the final painting. The artifice in this instance controlled the texture, color mixing and stroke weight.

Result: YouTube video below + screen shots



Materials used and their limitations:

Erector set, elastic bands, paint brushes, acrylic paint, bristol paper. I think the final result came out to be quite pretty. I love the fluidity of the lines and find it ironic that an object constructed of metal and plastic could create such effect. I enjoyed the fact that I didn’t have much control over the artistic decisions, I relied on the “cart” itself to make the art, I just guided it.

Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7x7-3-how-to-paint-using-a-cart/

7 in 7: Day 4: bliss

I did the time constraint again with this piece, I gave myself 2 hours to complete it.

I continued with the them of “purity”, this time exploring more of what it means to be innocent.

This video would be displayed on a small monitor placed on a pedestal. Possibly having it be very delicate to the point that one a small push could knock everything down.


Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7-in-7-day-5-bliss/

7 in 7 : 4 Drink together



It is a project using straw to drink from different cup and to know what is the flavor. The straw can keep add up to drink from 3 or 4 cups. The most interesting part is you might not know what you are drinking at the time.


Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7-in-7-4-drink-together/

Day 4: 7-in-7


My constraints again were unconventional mapping and using one line as the basis for my projects. I decided on my commute today to map my hand (basically everything I touched on my commute). The size of the objects corresponds to the frequency in which I touched the object. For instance, my phone was in my hand most of the time on my commute, so it is the largest object.  The line constraint was used with the boundaries of the hand I drew, so everything had to be inside of that constraint. I am finding these mapping projects really interesting because I am focusing on a specific thing each day that I normally would pay no attention to. It is bringing awareness to different senses and feelings that get jumbled into our busy day, going unnoticed. Ideally I would like to heighten this one aspect even more, for instance by taking away sight and hearing during my commute to amplify the sense of touch. This is something we discussed in my Art/Sci class which I found really fascinating, however this would not be realistic right now. It is definitely something I want to look into more in the future.

Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/day-4-7-in-7/

7 in 7 Project#4: Computer Keyboard As A Piano

Goal: Turning a computer keyboard into something else more than just part of a computer.  It would actually have another function— a musical instrument.

Inspiration: Garageband, it has a keyboard configuration that matches about twelve keys on a piano.  I thought why not a few more.

Approach: Code each letter on the computer keyboard to play the notes on a piano, with the letter F as the middle C.

Anticipated Constraints & Issues: Coding part is easy, but I realized only simple music/composition can be played in the manner.  Because the way a computer keyboard is laid out vs a piano, there are times when musical notes dictate four or more combination of notes in one hand.  Fingers can’t reach almost any of them, except maybe one or two.  So obviously no great complicated pieces like Rachmaninoff or anything like.  Music selection would be limited.

Example:  Bethooven’s Ode to Joy

Right Hand:  H+F, H, K, L    |   L, K, H, G    |   F, F, G, H   |   H, G, G+D… etc.
Left Hand:      A+0                    |   A             A     |   A                   |   A            A







Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7-in-7-project4-computer-keyboard-as-a-piano/

7in7 – 4 [Scottish Theme from Union Square]

I was going to grab a coffee between two classes this Thursday when I noticed a young Scot playing the bag pipe. I listened to his enchanting music for a while, chatted with him and recorded a bit of his tune, using it as a theme to build a simplistic – jazz-ish song on top of it. Listen with your headphones on 🙂


Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7in7-4-scottish-theme-from-union-square/

7 in 7 : 3 Food Stealing alert

“Don’t touch my food” I use cookie as samle to test

The original design should be a plate has light and sound beep

cookie alert  : http://vimeo.com/29166834

when someone touch the food without turning off the alert. I can’t finished the plate so I use a simple apparatus to replace.

Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7-in-7-3-food-stealing-alert/

7 in 7: 2 Untitle

Day2 is supposed to be something 3 dimension.

BUT, this is a totally fiasco in day two. I can’t do the sculpture from a cupcake.

So it turns out to be a cute animal. I was thinking if giving candy on the dog’s head, it will keep nodding.

Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7-in-7-2-untitle/

7 in 7: Day 3: Wash Away

For this piece I gave myself 2 hours to work on, I also wanted it to be related to the folk song “Down in the River to Pray”.


In some of my past pieces I have explored Appalachian folk music. The song “Down in the River to Pray”, is about washing away your sins. Being in a women in todays society there are so many constraints on how we should behave. What is being pure? What should our social behavior be? How do we cleanse ourself of the “sins” we have done?

I used my webcam to film the video and final cut express to edit. The sound is recorded using a hand held mic, then edited it in soundtrack.



After completing this piece I would like to turn it into a installation/performance, where I would be sitting in the middle of a room with water falling onto me wearing a white dress, possibly having lights become brighter and brighter though out the performance.

Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7-in-7-day-3-wash-away/

Day 3: 7-in-7

For the third day I continued with my theme of mapping, this time by mapping motion.  I tried to act as sort of a human seismograph, holding a pen on a piece of paper during certain parts of my commute- when I was walking, riding the subway, riding the railroad, and as a passenger in a car. These are all of the modes of transport I use to commute to school everyday, so it was really interesting to compare the movement in each.  I was surprised at my results when doing this exercise. I had expected the subway to give me the largest movement,but it seemed that actually when I was walking I would get the biggest lines. Also, the car seemed to be the most sporadic. I also encountered the issue of my hand having some control over the pen, even though i tried not to have a grip on it.  It was sort of an occansional impulse to grip the pen when I was conscious of holding it, so I had to try to focus on other things and forget that the pen was there. I also continued with the theme of using one line by combining my results from the different modes of transport into one continuous graph (each was originally on a separate piece of paper).


Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/day-3-7-in-7/