6 Micro video

1) Evaporation 

I used a microscope that has the capability for recording video to capture the evaporation of a small area containing condensation from a piece of ice in real time. It is amazing to see the water disappear so quickly.




2) Exploring Mars in a Tomato

Through this microscopic lens I explored the surface of a small piece of tomato, it appears as if it were a rover exploration of Mars. The rocky cell walls and smooth red mounds make this inhospitable landscape. Mars in every pizza! Mars on your pasta, ketchup!





3) Global Organization

Microscopic view of soap bubbles that cling to each other and organize themselves creating space optimizing patterns. In this video show the delicacy of their shiny reflective surface of these bubbles in their floating travesty .

Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/6-micro-video/

Response to ” The Computer Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet” —Alan Kay

This article is mainly on Object Oriented Programming as well as some of the views of computer development. Alan has a mathematics background, but also has a biology degree, he views of computers are more than the common view. For example, since he is so familiar with the structure of microbial, Alan said, “compared with the biological cells, the computer is very slow and stupid.”

He believes that the most fundamental technological revolution(The Computer Revolution) has not yet come, because we human beings have the ability to change our way of thinking, but also to change the way of understanding the world.

“(Compared with future technology updates) I think that those events have occurred does not matter”, Kay said, “If we take the PC and other technology changes in the field compared with the printing technology, you will find printing technology from concept, discussed fully implemented (ie, fully mature) experienced a total of 150 to 200 years (until then digital technology has experienced several decades of development, isn’t it just start?)’’. Alan Kay expected generally that: the real digital revolution is completed only when computers and the human (especially with children) achieve a high degree of affinity and harmony.

Alan’s analogy of a board really impressed me a lot. He said that we are always like some ants crawling on a pink wood board , if there is no other external induction, we will forever remain in the pink wood board. And if one day we see our way forward with a blue board, we will not hastily to try to climb on the blue wood board? If we dare to do so, it is possible to leverage the new (technological advance), and the people who has been always conformist will forever be trapped in a pink wood board.

Advances in technology need to break the routine, and even, sometimes, destruction is also a re-creation.

When we began to think that we have been strong enough, the science and technology system has been sufficiently developed, and then if we stop thinking , stop trying to break the routine, we will miss the real revolution.

Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/response-to-the-computer-revolution-hasn%e2%80%99t-happened-yet-alan-kay/

5 Bebop-piddy-doo Curly-Q

This sound visualization tool was created in Processing using the Minim library. Depending on the sound’s intensity the serpentine spiral animation gains more curves and spheres that compose it change form. This amorphous swirling colorful drawing is representative of Jazz most specifically Bebop. In this example I use the song “The All Seeing Eye” by Wayne Shorter.

Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/bebop-piddy-doo-curly-q/

4 Drink More Campaign





The Drink More Campaign is for the spirit of the spirits! To the drowning of our sorrows, the sinking of our madness, and more over the nectar of celebrations. This piece was inspired and conceived at Mani’s house on Friday night, where he hosted a magnificent performative elixir filled, fed full, warm welcome to all. Ironically, I only brought and drank lemonade…. I had enough, and I’m never touching vodka again 😉

Photos by Ashley Muller and Shawn Lauriat


Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/4-drink-more-campaign/

Maker Faire 2011

My three favorite projects at Maker Faire:

#1: Untitled 

This was my favorite piece at the fair. The artist told me that he doesn’t not have a name for his creation but he will think of one. What he did is record audio from random radio shows. He removed the tape from the encasement and wrapped it around a bicycle wheel. He placed a needle at the bottom of the wheel so when it’s rotated the audio is played. The wheel works like a turn table but I find the interface more compelling.

This was inspiring to me because I had the idea for the 4th project for the 7×7 assignment in my head (Sylospoon–see earlier posting). I was a little apprehensive about making my Xylospoon instrument thinking that perhaps it was too silly, but seeing this project gave me more confidence to proceed with my project.


#2: Thermochromic Ink

Thermochromic Ink was used in two different ways here. First way was painting a little paper house with the ink and when the ink detected heat, the light in the house, that is powered by a battery,  turns on. The other way was painting a lightbulb on a surface of the table using the ink. When someone touched the painted image an actual light bulb lit up.

This was very interesting to me because my Fashionable Technology class is creating an installation at the BMW Gugghenheim Lab using thermocrhromatic ink. It was interesting to see how this ink can be used in other context besides fabrics and wearables.













#3: Sensing Touch 

This is a car powered by Arduino that has a wire sensor in the front. The car backs up when the sensor touches the wall.

Although this little car is very simple and doesn’t have a lot of bells and whistles, I found it to be very inspiring because I am so excited to learn Arduino and finally start making things move! I would love finally have the skills and knowledge to create an actual machine, robot or whatever else comes to my mind.


Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/maker-fair-2011/

7 in 7:6 food pet Tweeter

7 in 7:6 food pet tweeter

Food pet project is testing one’s attachment to food. That is “how you think of taking care of something you are eating.”

I found an interesting gadget online. The left Tag is supposed to be tide on your pet. The limit is 30m. The dongle will receive the signal and keep tweet.


I put the tag in egg shell so that it will work as a pet character.

This is what it tweet:


Basically, the app controls what it says, so now its on the default value “Dog’s talking”

If updating the database, I think it is possible for my “Eggy’s speaking.”

Anyway, the relationship between human and food is not the manner of “eat it at once” anymore.

Maybe a little grateful and admiring is also required when you bite your food.

Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7-in-76-food-pet-tweeter/

3 Toy Organ

3- Toy Organ

This circuit prototype is a rendition of Forrest Mims III’s Toy Organ. It is not tuned, as I had a limited amount of capacitors, which is what changes the pitch of the sound. Also, I used a fixed resistor instead of a potentiometer, which allows for a change in range. Mims’s circuit diagram shows 7 switches, and I only had four.


Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/3toy-organ/

7 in 7 : 5 Wander plate

7 in 7 : 5 Wander plate

This is a project that suppose to put on a big dinning table. Since I do not have such furniture, I have to test the moving robot on the floor.

The idea is simple. If the food starts to fool you and keeps running, will the person at table be annoyed or feel interested in? The speed is not very fast so basicaly people can still get food it they want to. I was thinking of “Wander French Fries” so that people can share fries to gather and enjoy.

Here is the testing video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IM3whYKkX1E


Fist step: make dinner

step2: prepare apparatus  and put the serving on


This is the final reseult. It’s not moving quite smoothly because of the weight of food. It moved rather slowly so I did not record it as video.





Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7-in-7-5-wander-plate/

Maker Faire

Add an Image




Using Microsoft Visual Studio, the apparatus can take picture every 5 seconds. That is me! The right one is camera and left is screen. The box behind is an interactive toy. If you blow on the top of the box, the picture of flower will change. They are both delicate.

This is an instrument that requires both hand. I do not know how it works. The right one is apple’s touch pad. And I have to use left hand to push the button. Together they create a sound. It was not function like a piano or something beautiful sound, but it did work well.

Rubber robot. There are cameras in the eyes. The maker mention she wants to add some motion detect so that the robot can react to your movement. In fact, since the robot keeps moving so fast, I thought it can react to people. This is so cute. It moves smoothly like a real animal. I love it the most.

This is a unique experience of American style Faire with food and funny hat, custom, music. What inspired me most is the spirit of making stuff. It takes efforts and time to finish such complicated project. I really admire these makers try to make something from different materials. They are not all complete yet and some of them are just prototype to demonstrate a thought.  But with so many people gather together to join the project, it is really interesting to see things from different aspect. Even a solar energy collector is not easy to make. The other part is technique. I do not understand how they accomplish the project at hands. It is not easy if only by reading the books. Are schools really teaching these stuffs? Learning by doing is always a good way. Finally, the interaction mode they invented is fascinating. For instance, a lot of robots can response to the player and using mouse pad as music instrument. Even the sashimi car, when the lobster stretched out singing the solo, I could not help but keep laughing. It makes me think about interaction does not necessary mean functional. I used to believe it have to or other wise it will become a toy. However, even a toy is related to a lot of interaction. That’s where I found I do not know about interaction at all. Maybe the relationship between human and gadget is suffice to say that they are connected.






Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/maker-faire-3/

Redesing social presentation

forget to post!!



Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/redesing-social-presentation/