I got reminded the other day that American children do not know their U.S. history compared to the other children from a different country. To remedy this issue, I (developed a concept) designed a U.S. History app. It would have a scroll bar on the side where one can navigate through years and at the …
Category: Student Work
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7-in-7-project-2-u-s-history-made-easy/
Sep 15
Day 2: 7-in-7
Day 2: 7-in-7 I continued with my mapping theme, this time using an actual representation of my commute rather than how I perceive it (as I represented yesterday). I again used one line as a constraint, trying as best as possible to make the images flow together. I wanted to highlight the stark transition from …
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/day-2-7-in-7/
Sep 15
7×7: 2: How To Put Sauce On Your Pasta With A Manually Operated Mechanical Arm
Incorporating an artifice into a mundane daily task #2 Introduction: We have been reading a lot about technology “taking over” and about the “artificial” increasingly blending with our definition of the “natural.” I wanted to play on the idea of how our every day, mundane tasks can be taken over by a machine or some …
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7x7-2-how-to-put-sauce-on-your-pasta-with-a-manually-operated-mechanic-arm/
Sep 14
7 in 7 : 1 Retro art
My constrain somehow change due to the integrity of 7 project. It’s now “Something edible.” 7 in 7 : 1 Retro art Using slice of food to combine picture painted from Wassily Kandinsky and Joan Miro. Grocery: strawberry, blue berry, rice, banana, kiwi, cookie, hot dog, egg mushroom, potato chips, and onion. Wassily Kandinsky’s work …
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7-in-7-1-change/
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7in7-2/
Sep 14
7in7 – 1 [Trader Joe’s]
For my 7-in-7 project, I decided to start recording sounds on the way back home for 7 days, and create a tiny bit of music on top of them, using them as a motif. So the outcome of the project will be 7 short tracks. Guitar, Bass, [sometimes] Drum Samples and vocals are all done …
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/190/
Sep 14
Readings Week Two
Until I now I didn’t realize how important it is to do mock ups of your work. My first realization of this was during bootcamp when I had to build a new website. When building my first artist portfolio I kind of just wingged it and went with the flow. It was so much easier …
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/readings-week-two/
Sep 14
Week 2 readings
This week’s readings are about Prototype, I really learned and thought a lot. In interactive product design practice, designers pay more attention on a variety of factors that affect users’ behavior and habits, how to make the user interaction to get a good experience. To this end, design teams often need to build a series …
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/week-2-readings/
Sep 14
Week # 2 Reading
Cardboard Computer —- Mocking-It-Up or Hands-On the Future This reading is so interesting, I do really love it. When I was reading, I also did some research online—-find out some Cardboard computers. I get some information from those cardboard computers, besides the benefits and good reflections; I found this idea is also doing an environmentally friendly …
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/week-2-reading-2/
Sep 14
My first 7 in 7 project
My first 7 in 7 project is a short music I made last night, ‘I see faces everywhere’. I see faces everywhere watch it in youtube The constrain is the emotion. In this project, the emotion is loneliness. This song has two sides, the first side is in the human being side. Sometimes we might …
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/my-first-7-in-7-project/