Reading Week 1

Response To: Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us

“It might be argued that the human race would never be foolish enough to hand over all the power to the machines.”

After this statement the article goes into saying that we would not willing hand over our freedom or allow an uprise of artificial intelligence. Yet, I believe we already have. People rely on their cell phones and computers to keep track of their daily lives. Younger children using these devices are not gaining the ability to build their memories. These devices have become an extension of ourselves.

Technology is slowly making us forget about past skills. A good example of this would be penmanship and cursive. It is rare to find people who hand write letters to each other. I have even heard that in some schools they stopped teaching cursive because it is “out of date”. There are even fonts that replicate cursive.

 Response To: Great Wall of Facebook: The Social Network’s Plan to Dominate the Internet — and Keep Google Out

“Internet users behaved differently on Facebook than anywhere else online: They used their real names, connected with their real friends, linked to their real email addresses, and shared their real thoughts, tastes, and news.”

“That represents a massive and fast-growing blind spot for Google, whose long-stated goal is to “organize the world’s information.”

Facebook is a place where you can connect with people you know really well to people you met once. It has turned into an online personality. People, like myself, post pictures and status updates about our lives. I have to say that some people take it to far, using the “notes” feature on facebook and posting personal updates about what they are going through. Personally, I think that’s what blogs are for. Plus you are friends with so many people why would you want all of that information out there, especially under your real name. Most people I know use Facebook for even purposes. That is one of the main reasons why I still have mine.

The internet has a foot print. No matter what, where, when, you post something onto the web it’s going to stay there. Even before Facebook starting saying they “owned” our information, anyone was able to take it. All the information was a right click away and what about screen shots?

I am honestly nervous to see where all the social networking sites go. Growing up I have so far had  xanga, livejournal, myspace, twitter, tumblr, and facebook, all of this on top of my Artist website. Now Google+ is here and I have no desire to get it. I would just be copying my information from facebook and reposting it onto another site.

I am grateful that Facebook is on their own server so when people google me they don’t get anything too personal from there. I would rather them get my artist website.

Not that long ago I was had a conversation with a friend about running for politics. She had gotten her undergraduate degree in political science and at one point was interested in running for some kind of office but wasn’t anymore. When I asked her why her response was,” To much of my information is out there because of Facebook. The parties I went to during my undergraduate and inside jokes my friends post.” If this were any other day and age I think people would care if someone found a stack of developed photos of you getting crazy at a party but no a days it’s so normal to see Facebook Friends post photos of themselves/friends getting crazy. Everyone has them, yes you can untag yourself, but I feel it wouldn’t be that hard to find the photo. What has this turned our generation into? Does it mean we have less morals? Is our standard a little lower?


Response To: Natural User Interfaces Are Not Natural


When thinking about gestures I never really thought of instruments or video games. The first thing that comes to my mind is a magic track pad or an iPad. This article made me aware that my generation has grown up with electronic gestures built into our heads.

Apple is obsessed with using gestures. Their marking and techniques to get their “words” to stick are genius. When introducing an object such as the iPad you hear words such as “swipe”, “tap”, and “scroll” over and over again. They are creating a language for themselves.

This could be seen as them taking ideas from how videos give commands to actions but in a simpler action.


Response To: The Web Means the End of Forgetting

This goes back to what I said earlier in my response to the article on about facebook and google, people know what they are placing online and they see who their friends are on facebook. I honestly think it’s odd to me that people want to post crazy pictures of themselves at parties. It may seem to be funny to share those photos with friends but most people re facebook friends with just acquaintances. The setting have changed where you can block your information from certain people but still once you put that stuff online it stays there, even if you delete it.

Almost everyone from our generation has some kind of awful picture of themselves on the internet. It has become some kind of cultural thing. Or can even be seen as a right of passage for college students, proving they are going out and partying it up. Jobs can’t reject everyone and at some point they will have to look past the internet evidence and hire who they think can preform the job the best.

Some jobs ask you not to post anything about work or pictures of you at work. With my job we can not talk about the products at, or have pictures of us in our t-shirts on the internet (which I find funny because I am in so many pictures with tourists). So, with that said the company you work for is trying to protect their name, not yours.

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