2. Grey Album Producer Danger Mouse Explains How He Did It, http://bit.ly/hEOUS
3. 1+1+1+1=1 The New Math of Mashups: http://nyr.kr/bbEOOJ
The article starts with the example of mashup music made by Jeremy Brown. I am afraid that I can not give much comment on this mashup since I am not really familar with pop music. Nor do I understand well about the music history of bang in United States. I want to find out more about Acid pro, the digital software to make music mashup. With the help of technology, some music composer proclaims that internet is their producer so that many musician make songs independently. I think the whole music enterprise do have great turmoil in recent decades with the invention of ipod and piracy issue. When reading the process of how Danger Mouse create his album, I think I understand more about remix. It’s more than stealing the songs. Remix can be a good commercial for the original song. It may have benefit the orginal singer or band. Sometimes, people do expect to hear something different. Even a same song, we want to hear from different signer because they all use their emotion, personal perspective in their work. I think the most important part is the process of mashup. Each mashup is having the musician’s style that is different from the songs and materials he/she used. I think remix can be at the same time, a unique work in terms of style.
1. Mashups: The new breed of Web app, An introduction to mashups: http://bit.ly/6JisC
4. Hacking, Mashing, Gluing: Understanding Opportunistic Design: http://bit.ly/9kpZ2z
They are not easy articles for me. I decide to look through these term carefully because we are jumping too fast from project to project and learning “confuse.”
Basically, web 2.0 applications and services provide useful data and managing these collective experience. The application will focus on participation rather than publishing. Famous example includes bookmark sharing, Google AdSense, RSS web feeds, and Wikipedia. Second concept is that
Ubicomp (Ubiquitous Computing)
“…mashups attempt to move computation off
the desktop and integrate it with the artifacts of
everyday life. They(Ubicomp) extend beyond the Web and
combine the functionality of both software and
hardware components…”
The first article starts with introduction of the term mashup and then explains different genera of web mashup including: mapping, video and photo search and shopping news mashups. It can be used in a wide range. To understand how to make a mashup, we have to explore more on nowadays webword such as XML, RSS, and other Web protocol though I am having trouble to understand them. The article explain these technique word with example and how it going to develop.
Through the quoting notes I understand more on how the framework of mashups and classification of mashups come from. Through the examples in the ariticle, I think I get a little bit understand on this subject even though they looks like “creative invention. A mashup is something between the API implementation and the user/developer’s additional work to manipulate the content for use within another application.Mashups generally don’t require a programming background. Also, we need to study and identify the participant, category of system, reason of design.
An example of web mashup is Housingmaps.com, It will display a specific retanl list and played in the Google map.In this example, Google map and Cragslist have been combined into a new application for people who look for rent. By this example, I found out that mashup provides pragmatic function that can satisfy a certain need. Another famous one is the combination of Flicker and Google map.To build a mashups seems to be more complicated for starter. We need to understand how mashup design including software and hardware change our concept of deign and stimulate more possibility in future.
5. Harnessing the Power of Feedback Loops: Thomas Goetz. Wired Magazine, 2011: http://bit.ly/o6EqJd
A long time ago, I saw a traffic sign of smiling face (the school sign is near around) as a traffic sign instead of speed limit sign near the school. No LED or other things. Just change “slow” into a face. The study showed that driver slowed down their speed although I can not confirm the accuracy of the study. From this example, we can credit the sign as another example of “emotion design.” I was thinking if emotion plays a great role in the feedback loop or it is just prove that we response more akin to things related to human rather than a cold sign. Is this type of design better and more effcient than the example in this article? I do not know or maybe they work in different way to inform the driver same message. After all, we are thinking of how feedback loop can change human behavior. Is it possible that we should focus on psychology part rather than limited in “using technology”?In short, feedback loop is a method responding to a certain behavior. Technology, at this point, is playing a support character or at least I believe so.
Feedback loop can be a promising tool to change behavior. This, I can not agree more. In the successful example, we find out that a simple remind at the right time can have tremendous change. I know that business will use it for understanding employee training and arise working efficiency. However, some cases will be difficult to control since we are fixing a problem, not the source of problem. For instance, energy saving or pollution, we do not find more energy or eliminate the pollution. Still, that does not discriminate the power of feedbackloop. We do get great benefit to the world suppose we made the right response trigger. I am wondering, however, if new question will come up.
If we look at an individual problem, once the tester leave the feedback loop, he/she might goes back to act old behavior. Therefore, fail to change into new system. For instance, quitting smoking or other ba;d behavior are difficult to operate. Human being seems to have limited self-regulating ability under the circumstance of satisfying physical need except few do have stronger capacity to control behavior. If we want to change the behavior forever, we might want to changes a person’s perception of a certain point. Or is there a better way to create a feedback loop that is suit in all circumstance?