Mashup Project #1: The Food Finder

For project No.1, I call it the Food Finder.  An app or website that would help you find a place to eat, or IDEAS on where to eat at any given moment depending on your location.

You would have to use your iPhone or Smartphone, to locate a nearby restaurant in NYC, which would then give you options where to go and filter it through your preference (i.e. price, vegan, vegetarian, hours, per star value).  It would indicate the location, how many miles depending on a your vicinity and or five mile radius.

The idea is to make things easier for people find a place to eat when you have no clue where to go and depending on your given location at that moment.

This would gather information from six sources:
1) Yelp
2) Zagat
3) Time Out
4) New York Magazine
5) Daily Candy
6) Google Maps

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