7 in 7 Project#5: The Rest Chamber
Goal: Turning an ordinary isolation tank into more of a meditation chamber where you (can sit or lay down) listen to music and film installation is used to relax the mind.
Inspiration: Isolation tanks for sensory deprivation and Flat-e productions.
Approach: Build a custom tent where one can walk inside without feeling claustrophobic. A film of fractal images will be project and animated by relaxing music.
Anticipated Constraints & Issues: Hardly any really. Just a lot of configuring the tent size, figuring where and how to project the fractals. There will be a lot of kinks to work out to make it work properly.
Preliminary Prototype:


My Secret Heart from Flat E Films
From Flat-e music and film installation.
Originally isolation tank.
Hazel M. Bala
Well let's see... I graduated from NYU w/ a BA in French Language and International Politics. Because of the French, I became an account executive in the fashion industry. Being a corporate yuppie didn't really sit well with me after awhile. So I switched careers and retrained as a Graphic Designer/Art Director building up my print portfolio (I wanted to pay attention to my creative side).
Now in my 30s, I want to evolve into something more progressive along the lines of new media (i.e. interaction, web and motion). I've handled huge accounts, dealt with "captain of industry" types, and managed a staff. At this point, I want to focus on me and what I truly want to become professionally. I'm a lot more mature and honest with myself this time around. And I think I have more to offer artistically and intellectually than I had in the past.
Permanent link to this article: http://interface2011.coin-operated.com/2011/09/7-in-7-project5-the-rest-chamber/