Phone Charging Mailbox
One of the first interfaces that caught my eye was in the radio shake area. They reused a mailroom mailbox set and turned it into a cell phone charging area. People can plug their phone in, lock the door, and leave without worrying about their phone. People always have problems with their phones dying, especially at events like this because they are taking pictures and contacting people.
Tiny TVs and Video Games!
I am extremely interesting in presenting my video work on tiny screens. The Microsoft booth had small electronic gadgets, including this tiny TV and speaker set. When a video is presented in a smaller format the viewer is forced to come closer and have a more personal interaction with the layout.
Mics made from Bottle caps
These are mics made from bottle/beer caps. They work really well with different vibrations rather then picking up sounds. It has an AUX input, so you can plug it into a speaker through that. One of the examples the guy used when demoing the product was a slinky.
Sable, Naomi, and I came across a non-profit booth where they wanted you to build a tower out of old CD cases. We stayed and helped for about 30 mins. Even though we were just stacking and taping these cases together it created an interesting conversation. These were items we used to cherish growing up, the music of the CDs that had been donated, the different designs, etc.
At the Harvestworks (<3) booth Liz Taylor had a set up of paper circuitry. I’ve heard of soft circuit but I didn’t know you could do it with paper and metal paint. When I got home I went onto her blog to see what she has been doing with it. It’s so fascinating! I want to try to work on some for my last project!