Category: Student Work

day 4 7in7

The Social Soundtracj Day 4 is a sound installation. Once again I am keeping with the same constraints. This piece should be looked at as an experimentation into a collective social soundtrack, to the African American demographic. It explores the ideas of the type of information that a member of that community might be saturated …

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7 in 7 Project#5: The Rest Chamber

    Goal: Turning an ordinary isolation tank into more of a meditation chamber where you (can sit or lay down) listen to music and film installation is used to relax the mind.   Inspiration: Isolation tanks for sensory deprivation and Flat-e productions.   Approach: Build a custom tent where one can walk inside without feeling claustrophobic.  A …

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7×7 3: How to Paint Using a Push Cart

Project 3: Creating My Own Painting Tool This is the third object I built in continuation with my unnecessary artifice theme. It was very interesting to see what kind of patterns the paint brushes and the wheels of the structure created. I had very minimal artistic control over the final painting. The artifice in this …

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7 in 7: Day 4: bliss

I did the time constraint again with this piece, I gave myself 2 hours to complete it. I continued with the them of “purity”, this time exploring more of what it means to be innocent. This video would be displayed on a small monitor placed on a pedestal. Possibly having it be very delicate to …

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7 in 7 : 4 Drink together   It is a project using straw to drink from different cup and to know what is the flavor. The straw can keep add up to drink from 3 or 4 cups. The most interesting part is you might not know what you are drinking at the time.  

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Day 4: 7-in-7

HandMap My constraints again were unconventional mapping and using one line as the basis for my projects. I decided on my commute today to map my hand (basically everything I touched on my commute). The size of the objects corresponds to the frequency in which I touched the object. For instance, my phone was in …

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7 in 7 Project#4: Computer Keyboard As A Piano

Goal: Turning a computer keyboard into something else more than just part of a computer.  It would actually have another function— a musical instrument. Inspiration: Garageband, it has a keyboard configuration that matches about twelve keys on a piano.  I thought why not a few more. Approach: Code each letter on the computer keyboard to play the notes …

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7in7 – 4 [Scottish Theme from Union Square]

I was going to grab a coffee between two classes this Thursday when I noticed a young Scot playing the bag pipe. I listened to his enchanting music for a while, chatted with him and recorded a bit of his tune, using it as a theme to build a simplistic – jazz-ish song on top …

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7 in 7 : 3 Food Stealing alert

“Don’t touch my food” I use cookie as samle to test The original design should be a plate has light and sound beep cookie alert  : when someone touch the food without turning off the alert. I can’t finished the plate so I use a simple apparatus to replace.

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7 in 7: 2 Untitle

Day2 is supposed to be something 3 dimension. BUT, this is a totally fiasco in day two. I can’t do the sculpture from a cupcake. So it turns out to be a cute animal. I was thinking if giving candy on the dog’s head, it will keep nodding.

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