Galina Rybatsky

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Final Presentation: Fair Arts Connect

Final Presentation! FACfinalpresentation

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Fair Arts Connect presentation #3 w/sketches


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Final Project Proposal

  PDF Presentation: Fair Art Connect:

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Presentation: Inter-Island Communication

interisland Video:      

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Instructions: presentation #2


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Instruction Sets for Strangers

Team AsterisK: location_presentation  

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Readings 10.10

Reading #1: The Social Life of Urban Spaces, William H. Whyte  The Social Life of Urban Spaces by William H. Whyte explores the findings of The Street Life Project, a three-year study that looked at the usability of New York City public spaces such as city parks, plazas, sidewalks and playgrounds. Whyte wanted to pin point …

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Feedback Loop and 2 Mashups

FEEDBACK LOOP: The Sitting Calculator: Below is a video of my prototype. I used an apple to simulate a person sitting down on a chair. Ideally I would have used a counter to indicate how long the person was sitting. In this case I used an LED. As a person sits down, the feedback loop …

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2 Mashups + 1 Feedback Loop = 3 Ways to be Aware

MASHUP #1: Software-Screen based Greenmaket Mapping Project My goal is to analyze which neighborhoods have the most amount of greenmarkets and how that data correlates with New York City’s obesity rate and income level of each neighborhood. Each pin on the map will show the name, location and hours of each green market. Pin with a …

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Scrapyard Challenge: Sound Wave

Group: Galina Rybatsky, Jason, Yong Lee Project Name: Sound Wave Description: Our concept for this piece was a sailboat that plays music as it sails across the water. The wind would propel the sails activating different musical notes. The tempo of the music would depend on how fast the ship is going. The way we built this …

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