Aisen Caro Chacin

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  1. Maker Faire! — 1 comments

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Turntable test tube punk switches

Participating in the Scrapyard Challenge at Parsons Sunday Sept 25th we created mashed a turntable with some test tubes, magnets and some wire to make an instrument , in collaboration with Noa Dolberg and Alex. The wire mohawks were taped to the test tubes, and as they pass by the two leads they act as …

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Metallica Stevie Wonder Mashup

\”Superstition\” and \”Sad but True\”

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DIY bio

I found some pretty amazing work done by Lepht Anonym, a dying biohacker that takes transhumanism in her own hands at her own kitchen. Implanting sensors to her nerves she enhances her sensorial spectrum. An article on wired about her 

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Mashups and feedback loops readings

1. Mashups: The new breed of Web app, An introduction to mashups: Duane Merrill gives an in depth description of Web applications. He denotes the difficulties and the progress of public domains in providing open APIs in order to facilitate mashups for third party users. The best and most common example is Google Maps. …

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7:2 Semi-failed Attempt – Sound Generator

In this attempt to recreate Forrest Mims III’s Sound Effects Generator, I was able to attain a frequency change. In the schematic there are 2 pontetiometers, one oscillates a frequency and the other changes it. Somehow the first oscillation did not work. I revised all the connections about 15 times, and could not find the …

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The Design of Things We Need and Why

“The Design of Everyday Things”, Donald Norman (excerpt) Norman explains the psychology of everyday things, where he denotes that interactive objects have to be visible in context to be a functional design. In using psychology, designers can predict what actions users will inherently try first. Once these actions have been declared, then the designer should …

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The Computer Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet

Alan C. Kay, redraws our perspective in this small introduction to the computer revolution. He points out every important, mayor shift instance, where the printing press was being adopted. The long stretches of time that it took for humans to develop more innovative technologies and ways of thinking. I want to hope that Moore’s law …

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Maker Faire!

  Only the coolest faire ever! I came out of Maker Faire wired with excitement, inspired to the gills, and ready to make – make – make! I felt at home, I thought I was born in just the right time to experience the fruition of this culture. The culture of the makers and the …

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7 Failed Pin-hole Camera

I wanted to try making a pin-hole camera that uses cyanotypes as a recording medium. It was a failure. I made the camera, and cut the cyanotypes to fit my tiny box, and voila! Nothing. The reason why I think this project failed is because I never had enough patience to expose the paper long …

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6 Micro video

1) Evaporation  I used a microscope that has the capability for recording video to capture the evaporation of a small area containing condensation from a piece of ice in real time. It is amazing to see the water disappear so quickly.       2) Exploring Mars in a Tomato Through this microscopic lens I …

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