Feedback Loop and 2 Mashups


The Sitting Calculator:

Below is a video of my prototype. I used an apple to simulate a person sitting down on a chair. Ideally I would have used a counter to indicate how long the person was sitting. In this case I used an LED. As a person sits down, the feedback loop would be the counter that starts counting how long the person is sitting for.


MASHUP #1: Software-Screen based

GreenMarket Mapping Project:

My goal was to analyze which neighborhoods have the most amount of greenmarkets and how that data correlates with New York City’s obesity rate and income level of each neighborhood. Each pin on the map shows the name, location and hours of each greenmarket. Pin with a dot in the center represents locations that are open year-round. I am using Google Maps to mash up existing data.

Final Map: 

View Greenmarkets in NYC in a larger map


MASHUP #2: Software/Hardware

It’s Great To Be an Engine

Below is a prototype of a kids’ sound book that I  mashed up with headlines about wars that are going on in the world right now. I used voice reader on my Mac to read NYTime’s articles that talk about violence and death. Superimposing these stories with a children’s book narrative gives off an eerie feeling because the book juxtaposes the idealized image of the world that we present to our children and the actual reality.

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